

Submission information and guidelines for Hadean Press

Submission information and guidelines will be revised as necessary.

Trade Publications: Open for submissions though please note the publishing schedule is full through the end of 2025.

Hadean Press has a special fondness for academic and independent research into the grimoire tradition, hermeticism, texts concerning medieval and Renaissance magic, and works that challenge commonly held perceptions/misconceptions about black/indigenous/diasporic contributions to the magical corpus. We welcome work from practitioners as well as scholars — see our catalogue for examples. We prefer work that doesn’t stray too far into personal gnosis, but have been known to make exceptions. We welcome texts that include artwork, but we require all artwork to be either 300dpi or 2mb in size. A 32kb image you’ve downloaded from the internet will not produce the print quality we require and will not be considered with your manuscript. We will read completed manuscripts as well as propsals. Non-fiction only.

Guides to the Underworld: Open for submissions.

We seek works of up to 5000 words to be published as a Guide to the Underworld. These pamphlets are intended to assist the magician in their practices and include techniques, information, and examples of work that have a general benefit rather than being limited to one system or path. Read more about our Guides here.

General Guidelines

We no longer accept work that does not include citations or a bibliography. We ask that you submit your text as either .rtf or .docx to We do not accept postal submissions. Please put the title of your work in the subject line of your email. Please include a brief biography and your contact details in the body of your email, along with a short synopsis of your material.

We do not accept simultaneous submissions. If another publisher is considering your work, do not send it to us.

Submission does not equal acceptance. We intend to respond to every submission within thirty days. You know what they say about intentions.