Summer Update from Hadean Press
Dear readers,
It’s time again for another seasonal update. It is now summer where we are, a season that is usually slow in terms of online sales, but apparently nice and steady when it comes to in-person shopping. Our little bookshop is becoming a place where the ‘freaks and weirdos’ (as one customer put it) gather, browse, and buy books. And games, we can’t forget the games. In this update we’re talking about books, but also a new website in the works, and new pricing.
Books Printing
We have heard from the printer regarding the hardcover editions of The Magical Art and Annulorum Experimenta, both of which are expected to be with us at the end of the month. If this changes, we’ll let you know by updating the product pages individually. The paperback editions are shipping now, and the epub editions will become available in September. There is however a slight delay with The Hours due to the colour content. Again, we will update the product page when we have more information about when this title is expected to ship. We apologise for the delay.
New Website
It has come to pass that once again that we need to change the website. The last time we tried this it ended in tears, and so instead of a new website, we ended up upgrading the old one. However, the more we grow, the less our current commerce platform can handle our needs, and the needs of our customers. We will be importing our customer accounts and our mailing list subscribers to the new website, while leaving the current website operational until all pre-orders placed through it have been filled.
We hope to have the new site up and running by the 27th of August, in time for the release of Claves Intelligentiarum: A Complete Practical Manual of Conjuration of the Planetary Intelligences by David Rankine, at which point all new orders would be placed on the new site. If this doesn’t happen by the time that book is listed, it will certainly happen before the one following Claves Intelligentiarum goes live. We are sorry for any inconvenience and will try to make the transition as smooth as possible.
New Pricing
This is unhappy news, but it is also long overdue. We’ve been printing books and pamphlets since 2009, and since then our pricing model has remained unchanged. A lot has happened in the world since 2009. Paper prices, fuel prices, and indeed the cost of doing business in general has increased, and our old model has become unsustainable. When the new website goes live, you will notice an increase in the price of some of our paperback books, and of the Guides. We’ve kept the changes as minimal as possible, because our mission is and will always be to make our books and pamphlets affordable and accessible. At the same time, we’d like to continue to create books and pamphlets, and so a compromise had to be made.
Along with David’s Claves Intelligentiarum, we have at least three more titles to release by the end of this year. In September we have Book of Shadows, a translation by Steve Savedow from the Italian Il Vero Libro delle Ombre. This text dictates a system of high magic, fully outlined and interpreted, beginning with preparatory rituals, and concluding with the ritual of initiation or self-consecration. Following that we have An Inquiry into Necromancy: Spirit Conjuration in Western Culture by Jim Baker, author of The Cunning Man's Handbook. Through consideration of the expository magic and functional magic of Antiquity, the development of concepts of the soul and spirits in ancient Greece and early Christianity serve as an anchor for this temporal voyage of conjuration. Following this is the second in the Papaveria Press Fairylore series, The Song of Oberon: A Poem in Twelve Songs, translated by Aaman Lamba and with a foreword by Daniel Harms. We hope you’re as excited by these forthcoming releases as we are.
That is all for now from us here at Hadean Press. We hope the season is treating you well, wherever you are, and as always we thank you for your continuing support of what we do.
Erzebet & the Hadean family